The potential for branded residences in India
"The Asia Pacific region has emerged as a central hub for branded residences, accounting for 21% of the global supply in this sector."
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"The Asia Pacific region has emerged as a central hub for branded residences, accounting for 21% of the global supply in this sector."
"When you think of the Caribbean, it’s hard not to picture the turquoise waters , beautiful beaches and abundant winter sunshine—a combination that firmly establishes the region as a premier destination."
"Which cities have seen price growth in the first six months of the year? Are rents still outperforming capital values? And what do we expect to see for the remainder of 2024?"
"The Asian Pacific: attracting global players and a true hotspot for branded residential schemes"
"Global diversification of supply has not diminished the importance of branded residences across the Americas"
"Savills Prime Residential Index: World Cities monitors the performance of prime residential property across 30 global cities; tracking capital, rental and yield values. Average growth in 2023 was 2.2% for capital values, while rents grew at 5.1% on average"
"In the face of economic uncertainty, prime residential pricing proved resilient in 2023, though at lower levels of price growth than seen in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, with average increases of 2.2% across the index"
"Rents outpaced capital values in 2023, with 28 of the 30 cities tracked in the World Cities index experiencing positive rental growth. Rents increased by an average of 5.1% compared to the average capital value growth of 2.2% for 2023"
"For international buyers, a property’s purchase price is only part of the cost equation"
"Geographic diversification is not the only way that the sector is changing, with new buyers and new brands boosting branded residences"