residential property

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Public Sector

La Rentrée

"La Rentrée is just over here in Monaco – the English language has no word for this but here going back to school/ unviersity etc is such a big deal, it has its own termr (so to speak…) to describe the process. "

Blog Article

Biens internationaux

Education abroad

"Although many seek a second home in the sun in which to spend their holidays, for some, the decision to buy in France is fueled by the desire for a complete lifestyle change, which comes with its own complexities and logistical considerations."

Blog Article

Biens internationaux

Moving to the Côte d'Azur

"Making a big move is always daunting yet exhilarating at the same time - adventure awaits and opportunities abound. Life on the Côte d'Azur will not disappoint, it is definately action packed year round."

Blog Article


Apartment living in Monaco

"Becoming a resident of Monaco of course involves renting or buying here and  we are often asked what are the most common property criteria which clients put forward when doing either."

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