Spotlight: Golden Triangle Offices & Laboratories
"The science and innovation ecosystem continues to expand across the Golden Triangle market area"
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"The science and innovation ecosystem continues to expand across the Golden Triangle market area"
"The University of Aberdeen remains one of Scotland’s top universities, with over 5,000 graduates entering employment each year, 41% of which go into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs. "
"Aberdeen has evolved into a scientific hub, with the University of Aberdeen at the heart of this transformation"
"The Golden Triangle markets demonstrated resilience in 2023 with record levels of laboratory take-up in both Oxford and Cambridge. The expansion of the science and innovation system across the market will continue to support leasing activity in this region"
"Early-stage investment trends signal the type of commercial space that Cambridge will need in the future"
"There is now a unique opportunity phase for owners of life science spaces to differentiate their campuses"
"Contract and Development Manufacturing Organisations, or CDMOs, are now playing a pivotal global role in the manufacturing of medicines."
"Unlocking the potential"
"Start-ups, must deal with a lot of uncertainty and a commercial flexible laboratory solution solves problems"
"There is a mindset of ‘build it and they will come’ in New York"