European Logistics Opportunities
"Which markets are set to outperform this year? "
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"Which markets are set to outperform this year? "
"As we head into 2024, Savills retail and leisure team ponder the key growth sectors to watch out for in the year ahead"
"The grocery sector is undoubtedly at a crunch point between supply issues and rising prices; however, this will continue to drive the strong discounter portfolio growth that has been prevalent in recent years"
"Savills Research examines the key themes impacting European real estate in 2022 and sets out top investment picks for core, value-add and opportunistic investors"
"Supermarkets are striking the right balance between online and physical stores."
"Investment transactional appetite is ahead of pre-pandemic levels with the highest volumes in Q1 since 2017"
"Changes in consumer habits and the advancement of new technologies have led to one of the greatest transformations in the food sector"
"Pure players are rising their markets share as they compete on price and convenience. New technologies are leading to the emergence of new concepts and players"
"Companies have both a challenge and an opportunity on their hands."
"Whilst retailers were enjoying their golden age, consumerism has given rise to new and wider expectations from shoppers. Internet of Things, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and 3D printing have all in some ways marginalised the retail industry."