Spotlight: Branded Residences – The Americas
"Global diversification of supply has not diminished the importance of branded residences across the Americas"
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"Global diversification of supply has not diminished the importance of branded residences across the Americas"
"Since the millennium, European luxury hotel stays have experienced sustained growth, boosted by a lasting post-pandemic surge in demand."
"2024, the turning point for transactional activity"
"Historically dominated by luxury hotel chains, other chains are taking increasing market share as the branded residences sector expands"
"According to the brands themselves…"
"A decade of diversification is driving future expansion"
"Covid-19 has adversely impacted investment volumes, however, pricing shifts have begun opening attractive investment opportunities"
"2020 has been a year of change. The branded residential sector looks resilient even as competition grows"
"Branded residences offer many advantages in a crowded global marketplace for prime property"
"The branded residential sector continues to expand geographically with more brands entering the market"