Spotlight: Life Sciences – Trends and Outlook 2022
Contains 8 articles"Capital investment remains strong and real estate investor interest is strengthening"
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"Capital investment remains strong and real estate investor interest is strengthening"
"Which European countries need to step up their university/industry R&D collaboration to compete on the global stage?"
"Reliable and resilient digital connectivity is a crucial element for laboratory development"
"Existing science markets will expand and new and emerging locations established."
"Growth in the tech sector is nearly six times larger than growth across the whole economy, with Bristol gaining a reputation as one of the UK’s fastest-growing tech cities"
"The LUWP presents the Government’s vision for regeneration and economic growth."
"Oxford has seen strong growth in 2021, which will result in increased occupational demand in the short term, but in a market with limited supply"
"The life science and technology sectors remain key drivers of the commercial property markets in Cambridge. For 2021, Cambridge sat within the Top 10 of global cities in terms of the level of venture capital raised. An exceptional achievement for a city that is just a fraction of the population size of the others within the Top 10"
"With nearly £10 billion of life science-related capital raised by Cambridge-headquartered companies, the city was the highest in the UK"
"Following up on 2021's big strides forward."