Savills News

Dutch Savills Valuation team ISAE 3402 type II certified

The Dutch Valuation team of international real estate advisor Savills has received the ISAE 3402 type II certificate on Wednesday 6 March. The certificate was issued by BDO Audit & Assurance.

The ISAE 3402 report provides insight into data protection, fraud prevention and risk management in general. In addition, an ISAE 3402 report can provide assurance that processes that have been outsourced are executed in accordance with the agreements (SLA).

With this internationally recognised auditing standard, Savills in the Netherlands shows that its internal processes and risk management meets all related client requirements. The report also provides insight into the way Savills conducts real estate valuations. Savills has integrated the guidelines of the Dutch Register of Property Valuers (Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) into its internal control measures. The ISAE 3402 type II report also shows that the control measures, as implemented by Savills, have worked effectively over a period of at least six months.

Martijn Onderstal, Co-Head of Valuation at Savills in the Netherlands, says: "We pay a lot of attention to risk management, integrity and internal process control. Because this focus has been an integral part of our service for a long time, we were able to meet the requirements of both ISAE type I and type II in a relatively short period of time. More and more organisations require ISAE 3402. The certificate shows that we value the quality of our services and it gives our customers even more certainty."


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