Research article

Five factors shaping demand

Our April 2022 buyer and seller survey highlights how prime property buying intentions are evolving

1. Sustained commitment to move

The net balance of respondents committed to move remains high – particularly for those planning to move during the next 12 or 24 months

2. Lack of stock remains a challenge

63% of respondents say a lack of stock is significantly inhibiting their ability to buy a property

3. Financial factors

In terms of interest rate rises, 80% of respondents said that recent increases had no impact on their budget. Just 4% said their budget had significantly decreased, although 25% of those in London said their budget had decreased. For 74% of respondents, the rising cost of living had no effect on their budget. But 47% of those looking at property below £500k said their budget had decreased.

4. Commuting behaviour

Respondents are reassessing travel to work. Now, only 16% are commuting three days or more, compared with 58% pre-pandemic.

5. Importance of energy ratings

EPC ratings are important in decision-making for 68% of respondents (34% said they placed more importance on these than a year ago). If more than 75% of a property’s energy was from renewable sources, 59% would be willing to pay more (see below).


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