Research article

The outlook for the life science sector

What are the top five takeaways from this report?

  1. We expect 2021 to see a continued strong interest in the life science sector in the UK. Delivering a successful UK, outside of the European Union, will depend upon its ability to build on the science and research base. This includes establishing research facilities across the whole of the UK.
  2. The level of venture capital (VC) raising in Europe provides a snapshot of the overall strength of mainland Europe in the life science sector. The past five years have seen this VC increase by 16% per annum, on average. As well as the 'earlier money' as VC, there are also significant corporate deals happening. This includes M&A, which would be expected in the mature markets in Germany, Switzerland and France. There will be more investment opportunities emerging in the European market over the next few years.
  3. Regardless of the scale of the ecosystem, there are developments happening in cities, of all sizes, across the world that will make a difference in delivering improvements in human health. Away from the dominant US east and west coasts, in particular, there are private- and public sector-driven developments to deliver this improvement. The Australian examples highlighted on Upward trajectory in Australia provides strong evidence of this and shows Savills global reach and involvement in all life science markets.
  4. The digitisation aspect, as discussed on Digital solutions driving life science property needs, is going to become more dominant in real estate discussions within the life science sector. The traditional/recognised 'wet laboratory', containing gases and liquids, will see increasing co-existence with 'dry laboratories', where data, AI/machine learning and computational drug discovery grow in importance. Coupled with this digitisation at a corporate and discovery level, there is also the rise of digital health with vast sums of investment going into the sector.
  5. Savills global reach also takes our analysis to the most established areas of the globe within the life science sector. The West Coast and Southern California, specifically, saw a substantial increase in VC raising in 2020 that will further increase the strength of their ecosystems as jobs are created and real estate demand increases.

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