Research article

Yorkshire & The Humber

2017 take-up is down on previous years but this as a reflection on grade A supply levels as we are still seeing a healthy level of demand. We expect a flurry of major transactions will take place in the region in the first half of 2018

▲ Symmetry Park Doncaster J34 A1m


■ Supply constraints in the Yorkshire market have been slightly alleviated with several large units returning to the market in 2017. This resulted in available supply totalling 4.2 million sq ft across 20 separate units which represented a 70% increase from 2016.

■ The majority of the supply available in the region is in the 100,000-200,000 sq ft size band and 75% of the available units are in this size band. However the three largest units available in the UK are located in the Yorkshire region as there are three units available over 400,000 sq ft. The largest unit available in the region is Sheffield 615 which comprises 615,000 sq ft, whilst the most recently added large unit to the market was V415 Firstpoint Doncaster, where 451,065 sq ft is available.

Figure 15

FIGURE 15Supply by size

Source: Savills Research


■ The Yorkshire market experienced weaker occupational demand in the UK in 2017 after strong transactional activity in 2016. Take-up reached 1.3 million sq ft which represented a 72% fall from 2016. This reduction was partly due to the strong levels of transactional activity at Verdion’s Iport scheme in 2016.

■ There were only six deals recorded in 2017, the largest Grade A deal was Premier Farnell leasing 352,000 sq ft at Muse Developments’ Logic Leeds scheme. This was the only build-to-suit deal to take place in 2017, with the other deals involving second hand units.

■ The 100,000-200,000 sq ft size band experienced the highest deal volumes in the region in 2017 as 67% of deals recorded were in this size band. The only other size band to experience any transactional activity in 2017 was the 300,000-400,000 sq ft size band.

■ The manufacturing sector was the most active business sector in the region in 2017, accounting for 76% of total space transacted. Occupiers who have been active this year from this sector include Allied Glass Containers and Premier Farnell (subject to planning).

Figure 16

FIGURE 16Take-up

Source: Savills Research

Figure 17

FIGURE 17Development pipeline

Source: Savills Research

Development Pipeline

■ There is only one unit under construction in the Yorkshire region which is Unit 3, Symmetry Park Doncaster J34 A1m where DB Symmetry are speculatively developing 150,000 sq ft. The unit is set to achieve practical completion in Q2 2018.

Table 5

TABLE 5Key stats


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