
Research article

Korea Logistics 2H/2019

Cap rate compression on strong leasing demand and investment boom

Rapid growth in online sales was reflected in the uptrend of online as a percentage of total retail sales. Despite only representing 21% of retail sales in 2017, online sales climbed to 28% in 2018. This is attributable to the much wider adoption of mobile and easy payment systems.

An analysis of retail sales by product category shows that in 2019 items such as Furnishings / Electronics / Books / Cosmetics had online sales each grossing over 30%. Items such as Shoes & Bags which require direct fitting prior to purchase demonstrated relatively lower online sales proportions below 30%.


As of 2019, the total GFA of logistics properties summed to approximately 12.0 mil py, with over half located in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (“SMA”) comprising Seoul, Gyeong-gi, and Incheon. Large properties, each exceeding 7,000 py in scale and most preferred by investors, account for a total of 3.5 mil py (213 properties).

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