Local Authorities
Tagged Articles
Increasing market capacity through planning
"The NPPF has aligned planning with market signals nationally, but a greater focus on local demand could increase the rate at which new homes are built and unlock opportunities for SME builders"
Levelling Up
"Levelling Up can create opportunities for growth in Birmingham, but a more joined-up approach is needed"
In Plain English: Local development scheme
"A LDS is published annually by Local Authorities but what does it include?"
How can local authorities deliver against their climate emergency declarations?
"LAs essentially have direct and indirect control over a variety of assets."
Levelling up: What are the priorities and the role of planning?
"Levelling Up is a flagship policy for government, but has lacked clarity to date. With the publication of the White Paper early this year, priorities and interventions have become clearer, and it is evident that a greater level of strategic planning is required to achieve government ambition"
Levelling up and housing need
"Aligning economic investment and growth with the supply of homes will be central to rebalancing social and economic opportunities across the UK. But are the right planning mechanisms in place?"
Welsh Housing Market and Supply Update
"Housing market remains strong as new homes supply falls"
Welsh Housing Market and Supply Update – November 2021
"Record price growth and market activity as housebuilding recovers"
How can Local Authorities prioritise sustainability within their own estates?
"Meeting ESG targets in buildings where there is no commercial drive to do so."