Spotlight: Beyond a one size fits all housing policy
Contains 3 articles"We estimate that 187,000 additional households are in need of sub-market housing each year, requiring a significant step up in delivery"
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"We estimate that 187,000 additional households are in need of sub-market housing each year, requiring a significant step up in delivery"
"Affordable housing supply faces a significant slowdown as mounting pressures start to bite. Policy needs to respond urgently to address this slowdown"
"Meeting affordable housing need means providing for households excluded from the housing market alongside maintaining the current provision of affordable housing."
"Maximising value for money means using grant funding flexibly to help meet housing needs in local markets"
"As the weight of capital targeting this sector grows, we’ve taken a look at its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to understand how it’s likely to evolve in the coming years"
"FPRPs want to add to their stock, but where will the new homes they need be built and how will they fund them?"
"Growth in for-profit registered providers is constrained by the number of opportunities, not investor appetite"
"Opportunities, challenges and the five-year outlook for the affordable housing sector"
"Long-term security, but policy risks remain"
"General needs rent is the majority of affordable housing, but for-profit ownership is limited for now"