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Office Space

Office Letting Market France Q1 2020

" In the early days of social distancing and then lockdown, it seemed inevitable that the macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19 crisis would be severe. However, ever since then, experts have been continually revising upwards their estimate of its overall impact. For now, we have no forecast to offer, since any prediction is likely to be overtaken by events as France’s exit strategy becomes clearer. "

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Fontvieille focus

"There were 53 sales in the area, up 20.5% on 2018 and bucking the general downward trend for last year which saw a 4/9% decrease overall in the number of sales. "



Investment France Q3 2019

"Things have been hotting up in the French investment market since 2019 began. If the first half of the year was strong, the second is shaping up to be exceptional. By the close of Q3, France had attracted investment of more than €23,000 million. All of the signs are there: 2019 is set to be a record–breaking year for the French investment market. We are now predicting that total investment will come in close to €35,000 million."

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Apartment living in Monaco

"Becoming a resident of Monaco of course involves renting or buying here and  we are often asked what are the most common property criteria which clients put forward when doing either."

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