In Plain English: planning in Wales

The Savills Blog

In plain English: planning in Wales

Updated March 2024

Although the structure of the planning systems in England and Wales are similar, both being development plan led, there are differences in the detail and in how each system works. Changes introduced by the UK coalition government (2010-2015) brought greater divergence between the two.

Differences also exist in areas such as permitted development rights; use classes; the need to undertake pre-application consultation on major projects prior to submission; and the need for a separate consent in relation to Sustainable Drainage prior to works commencing on site.

The planning system in Wales regulates the use and development of all land and buildings at two levels: national and local. The planning policy framework for Wales consists of the following:


  • Future Wales: the National Plan 2040 (Future Wales, 2021)
  • Planning Policy Wales (12th edition, 2021) (PPW)


  • Local Development Plans (LDPs)

Future Wales

Future Wales, Wales’s first National Development Framework, was published in February 2021 and provides a national spatial strategy setting out where Wales should focus development over the next 20 years to address key national priorities through the planning system.

Future Wales represents a significant change in the Welsh planning system - a spatial plan that has ‘development plan’ status. This means that it is a material consideration in planning decisions, which LDPs and decisions must be in conformity. Future Wales sits at the top of the planning policy hierarchy alongside Planning Policy Wales (PPW), which is the land use planning policy document for Wales and the foundation of all national, regional and local planning policies.

Planning Policy Wales

First published in 2002, the primary objective of PPW is to ensure that the planning system contributes towards the delivery of sustainable development and improves the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of Wales.

The latest version of PPW, Edition 12, was published in February 2024. It is structured around four themes: Strategic and Spatial Choices; Active and Social Places; Productive and Enterprising Places; and Distinctive and Natural Places. PPW outlines the main policy objectives and principles, including policies on key land use topics.

PPW is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs), Minerals Technical Advice Notes (MTANs), Welsh Government Circulars, and policy clarification letters. Together, they comprise national planning policy which ultimately informs planning decisions.

The majority of primary legislation relating to land use planning in Wales has been made on an England and Wales basis. However, the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 was the first significant piece of primary planning legislation to be made on a Wales-only basis. The Wales Act 2017 devolved further planning powers to Wales, including consenting for Development of National Significance.

Further information

Contact Lucy Hayward or Jack Pugsley

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