How to brighten your home in winter

The Savills Blog

How to Brighten Your Home in Winter

How to Brighten Your Home in Winter by Callender Howorth Interiors.

A new year has started with your new plans, ideas and goals, yet somehow amid your newly inspired motivation, you look around your living room as you exhale a deflating sigh of defeat. Your new life in your mind looks impressive, yet your home is still telling the same old story. In the middle of winter, things might seem a little drab compared to the exciting new things yet to come this year. 

Your home reflects your state of mind and your lifestyle. When you think about the best version of yourself for the upcoming year, ask if your home reflects the new version of yourself and/or your family. 

With a few simple changes, we can prime our homes to reflect our new intentions and inspirations. The idea is to bring in more light to brighten our mood and create a welcoming energy and space. 

Here are 5 tips you can do to instantly brighten your home in winter.



This is where clutter tends to begin. Take an honest look at older items and ask if they are being used and if you truly need them. The truth is if the item has not been used in the last year, most likely it won’t be and it is just occupying energy and space within your home. 

In winter, many charitable organizations would appreciate your donations which might motivate you if you find it difficult to emotionally separate from these items. Surprisingly, once you start you will instantly feel lighter, and liberated! It really is incredible how many unused items we tend to keep. A clutter-free space is naturally a brighter space.

How to Brighten Your Home in Winter

Flowers and plants

Bringing in fresh pops of color and greenery with flowers, plants and even potted trees is an instant mood lifter. Nature never fails in its beauty and positive influence! 

A statement floral arrangement of your favorite flowers becomes the focal energy of the room. Green plants and even potted trees such as citrus trees give a space an air of freshness which brightens the winter shades of light.

While most floral experts say to avoid glass vases as the stems tend to take away the focus of the flowers, we do appreciate the organic appeal. 

Another way to add some punch of color is through a small vase with massed flowers in one color such as purple or lavender. 

For a more artistic flare, you can opt for vase sculptures and add in some subtle greenery. Fun! 

How to Brighten Your Home During Winter

Lighting is Essential

Changing up your floor and table lamps can quickly brighten the room, or you can also move them into different rooms for a new look and feel. As we are creatures of habit, we tend to leave our lighting in the same place. By moving things around a bit, you can play with new ideas and inspiration. 

For some reason, people tend to hold on to the same chandelier or pendant lights for years! If you want to boldly change the light and energy of the space, chandeliers offer a beautiful way to bring new light and style. The same holds true for sconces, yet they offer a more subtle lighting effect. 

Freshen up the walls

If you haven’t painted the walls in a while, a fresh new coat will definitely liven up the room. When you pull the artwork or furniture off the walls you will see just how dull they have become. 

A bright new color will raise the brightness of the room, but we also suggest taking a look at wall coverings. There are some absolutely beautiful designs in wallpaper, even hand painted ones. A new theme, hints of exoticism, natural prints, and florals can completely change the look, feel, and energy of the room. 

Mirrors and reflective decor

By placing mirrors in places where the natural light comes in, it will reflect the natural light in other areas in your home. This is a great way to amplify the natural light in the room. 

If you don’t have space for a mirror, you can also achieve this effect with reflective decor pieces such as metals and glass. Reflecting natural light brings in a warmth that feels really nice in winter!

If you are looking to brighten your home this winter or this year, the team of award-winning designers at Callender Howorth Interior & Architectural Design can help you create an environment that truly reflects your unique personality and lifestyle. 

Contact us at for a consultation. 

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