Onshore wind

The Savills Blog

Onshore wind: why the debate shows no sign of blowing over

The relaxation of planning rules to boost more onshore wind power in England did not materialise in the Government’s Energy Strategy last week, save for in one respect – possible community partnerships based on cheaper energy for those living near wind turbines

Permission for turbines in England has fallen by more than 95 per cent since 2015 when it was announced that for even a single turbine to be built there had to be local community backing, one of two intentionally hard to pass tests. 

Meanwhile the popularity of wind power has been growing, even before events spiked energy prices and drew attention to where Europe buys its gas.

It’s not uncommon for wind farm developers to attempt to garner support from local communities by paying for a village hall or a football strip, for example. This is not unique to wind, and can only be done outside the planning system.

Now, though, smart meters enable positive feedback between energy consumption and the inherent intermittency of wind generation. And energy companies are increasingly generating some or all of the power they supply from their own wind farms. Put the two together and you have a scenario whereby if you live near a wind farm you might be able to buy power more cheaply when the wind is blowing and much more cheaply when it is blowing hard. This incentivises other sensible behaviours, encouraged by further smart technology operating dishwashers, immersion heaters, car chargers, washing machines, and so on, to use power when most or all electricity on a local supply grid is coming from the wind or the sun.

That this can be done when domestic power bills will routinely exceed £3,000 per annum makes it reasonable to join the dots and start asking local communities, ‘Do you want a wind farm?’ The answer could well be, yes, if it sees bills restored to approximately recent levels, if not less.

In Scotland, ministers are being urged to boost onshore wind power. However, offshore renewables are likely to be the main focus to deliver energy security, although there is also a pressing need to ensure grid stability and resolve demand side issues, through battery storage and hydrogen production, for example.

Public consultation on the Scottish Government’s Draft National Planning Framework 4 concluded at the end of March. Current Greenbelt and Wild Land designations in that document will need to be revisited if there is to be any significant increase in delivering onshore wind and solar power projects in Scotland.

In England the Government is intending to consult a limited number of supportive communities about the provision of new turbines, in exchange for these guaranteed discounts on their energy bills.

As the UK seeks to boost its energy independence, this is a debate that shows no sign of blowing over.


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Contact Rob Asquith 

Savills Planning

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