How are local planning authorities performing when it comes to up-to-date local plans and how many have identified sufficient land for future housing? Our latest analysis of the planning system in England cracks open a curate’s egg.
Local Plan delivery
Every local authority in England has now reached the point where it has an NPPF-compliant plan in at least the initial preparation stage, and local authorities are more actively pursuing the review process. In total, only 4 per cent of authorities have a Local Plan which is more than five years old and have not yet begun the review process – that’s down from 8 per cent in April 2021.
The fall in the number of plans either due for or under review indicates that the current system is working effectively. Local authorities are revisiting the strategic policies of their plans with success and in accordance with the NPPF; for housing requirements this means greater alignment with standard approach housing need figures.
Given this encouraging position, any proposed changes to policy around housing need should, therefore, proceed with caution, or risk upsetting a system that is beginning to operate with purpose.