Autumn kerb appeal

The Savills Blog

Brushing up your kerb appeal (and the rest) this autumn

Autumn is here and with it will come leaf-strewn pavements and drives as well as gardens and outside space that may look a little less than inviting. So it’s more important than ever to pay attention to kerb appeal if you’re putting your home on the market over the coming weeks and months.

Here are some tips to help present your property in the best autumnal light, both outside and in:

Sweeping statements Don’t forget to sweep up those leaves, brush the front steps, clean the windows and perk up tired paintwork. Think about adding a few new plants for seasonal colour and interest.

Cleaning up Give everywhere a thorough clean and be systematic – try to visualise everything through the eyes of a buyer to see all the nooks, crannies and scuff marks you might normally be tempted to ignore.

Lockdown lessons Make a feature of working from home solutions and any other ways your property has served you well over the past 18 months.

Race for space We’ve all learned to appreciate space in recent times so maximise it with a determined de-clutter. Include the cupboards but be careful not to go too far, leaving your home devoid of personality. It’s the human touch that can help buyers imagine themselves living there.

Perfect pets Try to run a dispassionate eye over your much-loved pets. Could they and their bedding do with a wash and brush up too?

Love at first sight Remember what made you fall in love with your home in the first place. What was the wow factor? Is it still there and, if not, can you rekindle it? You may well be selling to buyers in a similar position so if, for example, your rooms have changed use over the years, consider changing them back.

All present and correct Carry out a simple maintenance audit before a viewing. Seemingly little things like blown or missing bulbs can be off-putting, especially in gloomy weather, and it’s worth removing any lime scale that has built up in the shower so the water pressure is the best it can be – buyers may well want to check.


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