DIY project

The Savills Blog

Has life in lockdown released your inner DIY-er?

If there’s a sliver of a silver lining to be had from the recent lockdown, it’s perhaps that many of us have used the time in self-isolation to acquire new skills and rediscover old hobbies.

While some have seen it as an opportunity to learn a musical instrument or get more creative in the kitchen, others have dusted off their tool box for a spot of home improvement.

The gradual easing of movement restrictions and the reopening of the housing market in England may also have encouraged others to prepare their home for sale.

Of course DIY is nothing new. Whether born out of necessity or a genuine love of craft and creativity, the British have always been regarded as a nation of do-it-yourselfers. But its virtues run much deeper than pure aesthetics.  

Aside from the obvious financial benefits, the sense of accomplishment from a job well done should not be underestimated. Even something as relatively straightforward as putting up a set of shelves or giving the front door a fresh lick of paint can be immensely satisfying and contribute positively to our wellbeing.  

Allowing ourselves to indulge in something other than our day-to-day routine is also good for the brain – improving our problem-solving skills and allowing us to be creative away from a computer screen or mobile phone.

Last but certainly not least, learning how to fix that leaky tap makes us far more self-sufficient. Knowing how to upscale or recycle is also better for the environment.

So, while it’s true that for larger projects there’s no substitute for employing a professional, if you want to  try your hand at a little self (and home) improvement then there may still be no better time than the present.


We’d love you to share your inspiring DIY successes around the home with us. Send us your photos via our Instagram or Twitter accounts by using @savills.


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