Lisbon skyline

The Savills Blog

Why I love: Lisbon

We find ourselves in unprecedented times. It has been disconcerting and saddening to see empty squares and shuttered streets around the world, and our hearts go out to all those affected, wherever they are.

For a while, we may all need to stay grounded. One day, piazzas will fill with selfie-takers again and bistros will brim with animated chatter.

While we wait, we reflect on what draws us to the places we love.

There is something about Lisbon. It’s hard to pin it down to any one thing but the city of seven hills certainly captivates its visitors.

From the obligatory pastéis de nata (my favourite is from Manteigaria in the Time Out Market. Top tip: always order one extra) to a simple lunch of fresh grilled fish washed down with a chilled vino verde to the azulejos, or hand-painted tiles, that adorn numerous buildings and are so beautiful you are constantly stopping to take photos (real enthusiasts should take a morning trip to the Museu Nacional do Azulejo).

However, Lisbon is really best seen from above. From here, the city shows its colours – the burnt orange roof tiles, the flashes of yellow of the iconic trams, the brightly coloured buildings and the sunset over the River Tagus. In fact, they say the seven hills equates to a different view each day and there are so many ways to enjoy them.

Perhaps from one of the many miradouros, or lookout points, where you can sit with a bica (espresso coffee) and admire the comings and goings of the city; or maybe from the imposing Castelo de São Jorge, the Moorish fortress dating from the mid-11th century. Reached by rabbit warren of tiny streets leading to the summit, it’s tough on the legs but worth it for the picture postcard view from the ramparts.

Then there are the rooftop bars and restaurants. They're not always easy to find – I know of one that is reached via a lift at the back of a souvenir store – but they provide welcome respite from the heat and the crowds and are the perfect place to reflect on this magical city.     


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  • Jelena and the global residential team are available remotely for any questions about the market or to simply share stories about their beloved locations.


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