Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

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In plain English: Registered Parks and Gardens

Historic England, the Government’s principal advisory organisation in relation to heritage assets and the historic environment, is responsible for compiling a register of ‘gardens and other land’ in England that appear to be of special historic interest.

The list holds over 1,650 sites, including the grounds of private houses or former private houses but also public parks and cemeteries. When registering a site, emphasis is on designed landscapes rather than on planting or botanical importance. Gardens, grounds and other planned open spaces such as town squares can be registered and sites include those in rural and urban environments.

In a similar way that Listed buildings are afforded grades of significance, sites are graded I, II*or II.

The main purpose of this register is to celebrate designed landscapes of note and encourage appropriate protection. 

Examples range from quintessential designed parklands, such as those of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown (for example, Grade I Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire), to large urban cemeteries created to deal with overspill from crowded parish churches, such as the Grade II* Arnos Vale Cemetery in Bristol. The small mid-20th-century German Military Cemetery (Grade I) in Staffordshire, the resting place of nearly 5,000 Germans who died in England during both World Wars, is also registered.

Despite being designated heritage assets, Registered Parks and Gardens are not afforded statutory protection. However, through registration they are a 'material consideration' in the planning process, meaning that planning authorities must consider the impact of any proposed development on the landscape's special character. 

Local planning authorities are required to consult Historic England when considering an application which affects a Grade I or II* Registered site and they are required to consult the Gardens Trust on all applications affecting registered sites of all grades.

Parks, gardens and landscapes in Wales are listed on a register of sites of special historic interest compiled by Cadw. In Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland maintains an Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, while sites in Northern Ireland are contained in a Register of Historic Parks, Gardens and Demesnes.


Further information

Contact Savills Heritage Planning

Read more: In plain English: Listed Building


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