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The Savills Blog

Bringing the outside in

A key reason people extend into their garden is they are trying to bring the outdoors into their home. In recent years, glass extensions have become incredibly popular because they provide the extra living space needed while giving a feeling of closeness to the greenery outside. We’ve seen some terrific examples, from Victorian terraced houses through to more contemporary properties.

Above all, when extending it is important to ensure the garden is in good proportion to the rest of the house. Most people still want an outdoor space they can enjoy, whether it's for alfresco dining or an area for children to play in.

This is particularly the case during the summer months and potential sellers should bear in mind that buyers are also more aware of garden space at this time of year. 

If thought about carefully, a homeowner can have the best of both worlds: more square footage inside and a beautiful garden outside.

Below are some examples of homes that successfully bring the outside in. 


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