Recreational fishery

The Savills Blog

Key considerations for establishing a recreational fishery

During the last few months we have had a number of enquiries from people seeking advice about establishing recreational fisheries. Like any form of development there are some key considerations to bear in mind which will improve the likelihood of a favourable outcome from the relevant planning authority.

It is important in the first instance to establish that any potential site has the physical characteristics and planning potential to provide the fishery. Typically, a rural setting provides the ideal location for a recreational fishery. However, such locations could be designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or National Park and are often relatively remote or isolated. Such factors will need to be addressed as part of any planning application.

The movement of earth (or engineering works) to form the essential ponds and lakes will constitute development and will therefore require planning permission, as will any associated facilities to enable the lakes and ponds to be used. This might be a fishing hut or designated car parking area.

Other aspects of the proposed development to bear in mind include natural drainage, as this can be affected by alterations to the topography, and the additional traffic generation accessing and leaving the site, which need to be assessed and quantified.

A key element to any planning proposal will be to identify the opportunities available for improving biodiversity and creating new wildlife habitats. Having a clear and comprehensive business plan will also help to form a robust planning case.

Additionally, future growth opportunities to enhance the business could include accommodation and other on-site facilities, extensions to existing ponds or the formation of additional ponds. It is therefore worth bearing this in mind when selecting and designing a site, as this may help to future-proof the long-term potential of the business.


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