How Christmas impacts the grid
"At Christmas the demands placed on our electrical infrastructure increase. "
Tagged Articles
"At Christmas the demands placed on our electrical infrastructure increase. "
"The efficiency and effectiveness of water use is key to sustainable building"
"As energy stands as the backbone of data centre operations, the industry finds itself grappling with mounting pressure and constraints imposed on the electricity grid. This challenge presents an intricate dilemma since it is poised to persist in the foreseeable future."
"Solar photovoltaics, commonly known as solar PV, are rooftop panels that capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, suitable for powering various buildings, whether residential or industrial. "
"Focus on hydrogen’s role in the UK’s journey towards net zero, an apt time to explore its potential, applications and challenges in decarbonisation and well as the solutions it might offer for curtailment in the UK."
"How can the delivery of physical infrastructure in Cambridge be aligned with the planning process?"
"Cambridge’s continued position as a world-leading centre of innovation relies on tackling infrastructure, commercial accessibility and housing affordability"
"Carbon dioxide is a big problem, so why not simply remove it from the atmosphere?"
"Multiple measures and policies by European countries limit the impact of the energy crisis"
"Passing on higher energy costs can reduce the impact of the energy crisis for industrial and logistics occupiers"