The Savills Blog

Spring is the perfect opportunity for nursery owners' ideas to blossom


As spring finally arrives, it’s the ideal time to start thinking about the future of the nursery industry. In particular, attention should be given to the upcoming technological and legislative changes that might impact the way a nursery is run.

There’s increased impetus for owners to use renewable energy on their properties, such as traditional solar and ground-source heat, alongside using solar heat created within glasshouses to produce electricity within a generator engine. If it’s possible for a nursery to make use of the solar heat gain in this way, the owner may then benefit from the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). This is a  Government financial incentive to promote the use of renewable heat, which offers long term cost savings, as well as financial incentives linked to official schemes such as the RHI.

At a macro level and in the face of Brexit, there’s been plenty of discussion over the impact that leaving the EU will have on the UK’s labour market. This transfers into the nursery sector and may lead some owners to consider increasing the mechanisation of their operation, which could include the introduction of machinery such as mobile benching, transplanting machines and shuttles moving plants between growing bays.

The EU negotiations have also raised issues around the uncertainty of trade decisions. These  concerns are largely focussed on whether products produced in the UK can remain competitive against imports. This could potentially increase UK production costs as many seedlings are currently imported. 

Thought should also be given to the end product itself. The public is increasingly being offered longer life plants, as competition in the industry heats up. This may lead to a need to invest in the latest technology or upgrading the existing storage facilities on site.

Green packaging is another aspect of the product that is coming under increasing pressure. As the backlash against plastic continues, there is a preference towards biodegradable planter pots or the use of paper bags over plastic.

Now is the opportune time for nursery owners to begin thinking about future-proofing their products. As Brexit continues to dominate the headlines, alongside the recent measures taken to reduce plastic levels, there is plenty of food for thought for them.   


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