Client: FS Capital
Address: Avenida Duque de Loulé, nº 106
City: Lisbon
Area: 3,700 sq.m
State: Finished
Client: FS Capital
Address: Avenida Duque de Loulé, nº 106
City: Lisbon
Area: 3,700 sq.m
State: Finished
Dating from 1989, this building is composed by several façade-types, where the stone and the glass were the main actors. Whilst the 90's image was intentionally conserved, a sensitive enhancement of the interior plan on all floors was held, regarding the infrastructures (electricity, HVAC, water and sewage systems, etc.) and the aesthetic of the toilets. As the office's spaces should be adapted to each tenant, the spaces were converted into "naked" spaces ready to receive the new tenants' workspace and image/brand. The office floors have been reseted to its original shape, meaning there are no partition walls or pavement cladding. The existing ceilings have been removed and the structural walls have been repaired and white painted. The UTP existing network was completely removed for a better adaptation of the new tenant.
The lobby was fully refurbished by using exclusive wall covering and renovating the existing ceiling, including the implementation of a geometric imposing light. It was chosen to keep the existing marble flooring as a sense of sophistication is desirable. The reception desk was redesigned with exclusive materials and LED lights.