When comparing with 2020 the market has managed to almost triple the €580m.
The gross take-up volume in Q4 (close to 105,500 sq m) is the best record since the market felt the impact of the pandemic. In terms of number of transactions, the 109 deals represent 60% more than the average of the last quarters, and more than double the just over 50 that took place in Q2 and Q3 2020.
In the annual calculation, 2021 ended with close to 330,000 sq m, almost double the 170,000 sq m of 2020, and above the 301,000 sq m average annual volume in the historical series.
The increase in take-up was due to three megadeals (≥10,000 sq m) that took place in the second half of the year and accumulated 61,000 sq m (around 20% of the total). Discarding these deals, the resulting figure would place the increase at 68% compared to the 2020 volume without another deal of >10,000 sq m.
In terms of number of transactions, the year-on-year increase of 31% leaves no room for doubt: the market is moving steadily towards recovery.