
Webinar: Rural Market Update - Diversification and Amenity Woodland

On Wednesday 17 November 2021, we held a webinar to discuss the latest trends identified in our new research report on rural diversification - sustainability, wellbeing and authentic experiences. Hosted by Andrew Harle, head of Rural at Savills, our speakers discussed the main considerations when planning a diversification project. 

We also discussed a new, and fast emerging market; namely that of amenity woodland, which has been the subject of a new research report released last month. In today’s socio-political climate, amenity woodlands, managed for people and for the environment are not only highly valued, but also have the potential for resilient, diversified income opportunities.

To view either of the research reports, please click below:

Spotlight: Amenity Woodland

Spotlight: Rural Diversification

We hope you enjoy watching the presentation. If you would like to speak to a member of the rural team or have questions for any of the speakers after watching this webinar, please get in touch. You will find contact details by clicking the speaker names above. If you would like to subscribe to our research or be invited to future webinars and events please sign up here.