
Spotlight: Shoot Benchmarking Survey 2017/18 season


Profitability has been similar for two seasons as shoots successfully budget to accommodate rising wage costs and reduced income from shot game

  • Variable costs mirror four years ago but overall profitability is better. Cost control and higher charges mean finances have improved. Only 42% of shoots with income from let days made a loss in 2017/18.
  • Shoots continue to show commitment to environmental stewardship. Despite national figures that show an overall reduction in stewardship participation.
  • 84% of shoots with grey partridges report that numbers are stable or increasing. 52% of shoots with grey partridges manage habitat specifically for their benefit.
  • Beaters' pay has increased by 32% since the 2010/11 season. Wage inflation has been more rapid over the last three seasons due to the impact of the National Living Wage.
  • Over 80% of shoots plan to increase their charges for next season, considerably more than a year ago. Unlike a year ago none of the shoots intend to reduce their prices.

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