
Bristol: entering a new phase


Bristol has witnessed a period of extraordinary growth over the past 20 years. However, as the city enters a new phase it faces a new set of challenges

  • Over the past decade, Bristol has outperformed many of the core UK cities. Growth has been driven by a diverse economy, a well educated population and strong city centre regeneration.
  • Housing delivery continues to rise and is now at its highest level in seven years. However, there is still a shortage against need, which is impacting housing affordability.
  • High demand and the loss of stock through change of use is putting pressure on the cityʼs office supply. At the end of Q1 2018 there was less than 500,000 sq ft available to let.
  • The city centre remains a key focus for housing delivery. But the competition from other uses will require increased density.
  • The collaboration of authorities in the West of England Combined Authority will be key to supporting the continued growth of Bristol, particularly supporting edge of settlement development.

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