
Spotlight: Shoot Benchmarking Survey – 2017

Finances are improving, yet the majority of shoots are making plans to charge more per bird and shoots are less optimistic about the 2017/18 season compared with 2016/17


Shoot economics remain finely balanced. In 2013/14, 59% of shoots with income from let days made a loss. Through cost control and higher charges, finances have improved, although 43% still made a loss in 2016/17.

Shoots continue to make a strong environmental contribution. However, teething problems with the Countryside Stewardship Scheme may have reduced participation slightly.

83% of shoots with grey partridges report that numbers are stable or increasing. 59% of shoots with grey partridges manage habitat specifically to benefit them.

Shoots are less optimistic about the 2017/18 season than they were about the 2016/17 season. Uncertainty, associated with Brexit and disease concerns, is most likely responsible.

58% of shoots plan to increase their charges for next season (on average by £1-2 per bird). However, 2% intend to reduce them, suggesting they have experienced resistance to their pricing.

About our Survey

This year’s Shoot Benchmarking Survey is based on 155 shoots in England, Scotland and Ireland, and focuses on the economic and environmental performance of driven game shoots. Each participant receives a free detailed personal report that anonymously compares their operation with similar sized shoots. To be part of the next Survey, please email

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