
Spotlight 2017: Arable Benchmarking Survey Harvest 2016

Our annual Arable Benchmarking Survey provides farmers with key industry data, enabling them to benchmark their business performance and be better informed in order to drive efficiency

■ There was an increase in crop prices in harvest 2016. However, any uplift in gross margins was neutralised by lower yields. See Yields.

■ The total costs of production across all cereals and oilseeds were, on average, higher than harvest 2015. This is a result of lower yields. See Costs of production.

■ Fixed costs remain a smaller proportion of the crop price in contract farming agreements than for in-hand operations. This was the case for harvest 2014 and 2015. See Analysing power, machinery and labour.

■ Long term planning for the future is vital and a major change in structure could bring significant opportunities. We look at the options for individual farming businesses. See Weighing up the options.

■ From insecticide bans to Brexit and GM crops, we look at the short, medium and long-term outlook for the industry. See Industry outlook.

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