
Market in Minutes: Global Farmland Index

Our Global Farmland Index records steady annualised growth since 2002 of 14.8%

■ Our Global Farmland Index recorded an average annualised growth of 14.8% since 2002 and 6.6% over the past five years.

■ The Index, recording strong steady growth with reduced volatility, shows the benefit of a mixed regional portfolio.

■ Pressure on commodity prices is the common theme across the global downturn in values over the past five years.

■ Long term fundamentals still apply with increased food production (balanced by reduction in food waste) and competitive land use driving demand.

■ Farmland values are less volatile than other commodities and were significantly less affected by the credit crunch in 2008.

■ The Index, launched in 2012, is based on data from 15 key farmland markets and aims to provide a comparative indication of farmland value trends around the globe.

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