

Coworking Spaces, Dead or Alive after COVID-19?

The key words frequently repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic are ‘social distancing’.


The next question that arises in the minds of many will be whether the coworking industry will survive the coming reorganisation of the work space relationship by tenants. Market observers have been painting two scenarios, one is where they will continue to flourish, with the weak dying out, two is the business model dies off. If only it was as simple as that. How can we conduct any crystal ball gazing of the state of this industry when the pandemic blows over?

For our analysis of the coworking space, we begin with a list which, hopefully, covers the majority of influencers within the coworking business. Then we will discuss the likely behaviour each will take as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, after which we will take a prior estimate of where the coworking industry is placed by adjoining the outcome from each of the influencing factors.

  • Funders
  • Tenants
  • Landlords
  • Operators
  • Regulators
  • Technology
  • Job market
  • Employee home set-up

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