Lucky Seven: Retail & Leisure Occupational Trends 2025
"Which categories will see the most active brands this year and why? Savills Retail explore the ones to watch…"
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"Which categories will see the most active brands this year and why? Savills Retail explore the ones to watch…"
"What do the next twelve months have in store?"
"Cost of living improvements sees growth in both consumer confidence and retail performance, stimulating a recovery in investment volumes"
"Localisation and the Evolving Global Luxury Landscape"
"Despite easing inflationary pressure positively impacting the direction of consumer confidence, spend growth remains varied by sector whilst anticipation of a recovery is leading to a hiatus in investment activity"
"December’s Christmas trading results give insight into how different sectors are performing in the current economic climate"
"As we head into 2024, Savills retail and leisure team ponder the key growth sectors to watch out for in the year ahead"
"Despite tightening consumer finances impacting retail sales in 2023, economic headwinds are forecast to ease in 2024"
"Tightening consumer finances dampened retail sales in 2023, but stronger performance forecast for 2024"
"What are the new and most expansive segments and brands to watch?"