Market in Minutes: Residential Development Land – Q4 2024
"A positive footing in the development land market?"
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"A positive footing in the development land market?"
"To successfully deliver large sites, we need to plan them in the right places, guarantee S106 affordable housing demand, and ensure they have long-term patient funding"
"To successfully deliver large sites, we need to plan them in the right places, guarantee S106 affordable housing demand, and ensure they have long-term patient funding"
"Lucian Cook explores the dependencies on which a sustained recovery of the housing market relies, the impact of government policies, and balance of supply and demand in the UK’s property market."
"Swings and roundabouts for UK land and property"
"Swings and roundabouts for UK land and property"
"The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published last week confirmed significant uplift in housing requirements for England of over 20% at a national level. "
"Activity improves and prices rise, but development remains challenging"
"Activity improves and prices rise, but development remains challenging"
"More and more housebuilders are seeing Single Family Housing as a long-term play"