Savills Impacts: How do cities keep mobile?
"The challenge is to move people around safely and efficiently while keeping pollution to a minimum."
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"The challenge is to move people around safely and efficiently while keeping pollution to a minimum."
"Savills recently announced the third iteration of ‘Tech Cities’, featuring top 30 global tech cities."
"Why mobility is now a key part of the Savills Tech cities programme."
"A lively café culture can be as important for attracting tech workers as remuneration."
"Of the 100 metrics used to rank Tech Cities, the ability to move people from A to B is becoming increasingly important. "
"Savills Tech Cities index measures 30 cities from around the world against 100 individual metrics to establish which cities are the most successful homes for tech and start-up companies."
"The Big Apple has emerged as the premier Tech City in this year’s index, overtaking San Francisco"
"The ease a city’s population can get from A to B is an important consideration"
"Chinese Tech cities now account for a higher share of VC investment than their US counterparts"
"Rising on a global stage, tech centres such as Bengaluru, Chengdu and Buenos Aires are magnets for talent in their regions, supported by lower-cost real estate"