Tech landscape: is a robot going to take my job?
"Not if you're a town planner. In fact, AI could make your life easier."
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"Not if you're a town planner. In fact, AI could make your life easier."
"Of the 100 metrics used to rank Tech Cities, the ability to move people from A to B is becoming increasingly important. "
"There's a growing demand for in-home systems, but they do require management."
"Blockchain technology is being used in the US to let consumers see where their turkey has come from. Should we do the same?"
"The area already has a large health and social care sector and there's potential for increased growth."
"Physical stores must adopt new strategies if they are to prosper."
"New approaches to studying mean campuses must be designed and managed differently."
"These days, having a smart address means more than living in a fashionable neighbourhood."
"Being able to visualise new developments will improve the design process and enhance public and professional engagement."
"Today's occupiers want offices that make their lives easier and more efficient."