residential market

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Top tips for selling your home

"Optimism has returned to residential property for the first time in four years. The Singapore housing market is in the middle of an upswing with rising prices. Is this the best time for homeowners to sell? Our advice is to act now Here are three of our top tips for home sellers this year."

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Residential Sales

더 나인의 특별한 6가지

"2021년3월27일, 하노이 서쪽 관문, 팜반동로 9번에 위치한 더 나인 (The Nine)의 모델하우스를 정식 오픈 하였습니다. 많은 고객분들께서 하노이 최고의 건축 품질, 투자 기회 및 6가지 특별한 차이점을 확인하셨습니다."



Tokyo Residential Leasing Q1/2021

"Average rents have improved over the quarter, although they have still seen an annual decline. Remote work is expected to continue into the upcoming fiscal year, and yet occupancy rates in the 23W have seen notable improvement from the last quarter. We expect a clearer view of the market direction once the dust settles after the moving season in spring."

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Japan Regional Residential Markets - March 2021

"As the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the real estate markets globally, Japan’s residential sector is drawing the interest of investors due to its stable and defensive nature. While Tokyo remains the most popular market in the country, major regional cities that have exhibited sound demographic trends should present opportunities especially to those who seek higher yields."

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