Czech Republic

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Office Space

Market in Minutes | Prague Office Market Q2 2019

"Despite a cooling in net take-up levels, the vacancy rate edging up, and a healthy pipeline of new developments, tenant appetite for Prague offices remains strong and we do not foresee any significant changes in vacancy in the coming quarters. Headline rent increases observed in new developments are being partially driven by high construction costs as well as the increasing activity of coworking operators, who are aggressively challenging rents across the entire grade A office sector in Prague."

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Market in Minutes | Prague Office Market Q1 2019

""Net demand continues to outperform supply of new office space, pushing the already low vacancy levels further down to a new record. We have not yet witnessed any negative impacts of the anticipated economic slowdown on the leasing activity, however companies could become more cautious with their real state strategies and costs towards the end of the year.""

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