Redefining the built environment: Complexity within intelligent buildings

The Savills Blog

Redefining the built environment: Complexity within intelligent buildings

Intelligent building technology (IB) might sound like a concept from a sci-fi novel, but it’s been around for decades. However, there are still misconceptions regarding what an intelligent building is and who they are intended for. Our most recent survey found that 6% of leading landlords are yet to start on their IB journey, 76% are in the early stages, and 18% are well progressed, but none had implemented a mature strategy.

The root cause of the complexity:

Understanding why IBs are complex might seem daunting task, however the concept is surprisingly straightforward. The main goal is to seamlessly integrate systems, technologies, and data to drive value, such as through enhanced user experience or improved operational efficiency.  

However, the real challenge lies in deciphering the intricate web of relationships and connections between these elements. Achieving the perfect balance in an IB requires a deep understanding of how these components interact and influence one another. 

It is important to navigate the complexities through a structured approach:

  • Break down the IB concept: Start by splitting the IB concept into several digestible categories; these may include:
    • Users: Focus on who will use and benefit from the technology. Consider different needs and preferences which help to tailor solutions that enhance everyone’s experience. 
    • Spaces: Assess the physical environment where the technology will be deployed. Consider its suitability and potential changes to ensure that the technology can adapt as needed. 
    • Values: Evaluate what value the technology adds. Align it with the building’s goals and aspirations, such as energy efficiency, sustainability and enhancing user experience. 
    • Technologies: Look at the specific technologies being considered and evaluate how they fit within the broader system and its potential to improve operations. For example, solutions such as HVAC controls, lighting, IT systems, sensors and software.  
  • Consider sub-categories: Each of these categories is an umbrella for numerous sub-categories. Taking time to appreciate the finer details which provide deeper insights into the broader category. 
  • Explore interconnections: Once you have a clear outline explore how they connect. As these elements are linked together, you’ll discover how they are intertwined. This is much like a complex neurological network involving people, technology, spaces, data, values, and other factors, as demonstrated by the diagram below.

Recognising and understanding how these elements interact is crucial. Each decision impacts the broader system, highlighting the importance of a considered approach from the outset. 

Where to start?

  • High level overview: Take a ‘30,000-foot view’ to define your primary drivers, ambitions, vision and goals. 
  • Establish the baseline: Perform an initial assessment to determine the current state of the asset. This baseline is crucial for tracking progress and planning future actions. 
  • Digital strategy: Craft a comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with broader ESG criteria, net zero aspirations and budgetary considerations.  
  • Push boundaries: Promote a new way of thinking and implement change management across different teams. This approach encourages innovation and adaptation to new practices and technologies. 
  • Expand knowledge: Industry knowledge is rapidly evolving, seek support and partner with experts.

IB technology, continues to challenge misconceptions. Understanding IB dynamics is vital in the design, retrofitting, or upgrading of any technology or digital solution. Starting with a high-level overview helps set strategic direction, while crafting a digital strategy, aligned with ESG criteria and setting clear goals can guide action. Ultimately, embracing this complexity and adopting a progressive approach can transform an asset into a truly intelligent building, driving significant value and innovation.


Further information

Contact Ivo Krastins

In Plain English: Intelligent Buildings


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