Digital resource for land assembly

The Savills Blog

Time to get SMART: digital resource for large-scale land assembly

Researching, identifying and validating stakeholders in major infrastructure or commercial development projects is a critical part of the land assembly process. Just as important is recording this information and logging communications with landowners in a form that is both efficient and intuitive to use. 

Traditionally, land referencing and negotiations are often undertaken using a variety of systems that are not necessarily linked or accessible on a sufficiently robust platform. Recognising the challenge, we sought to develop a new, single-source approach that could be accessed as readily in the field as in the office.

Joining forces with thinkWhere, a market leading technology company, we implemented a definitive, online projects platform. The result is the Savills Mapping and Referencing Tracker – SMART – a secure cloud-based system, integrating all relevant project information including geo-spatial data, land titles, landowner communications, documentation, milestone tracking and much more.

Stakeholders in large land assembly projects can see real-time information and track progress on a restricted user basis. Spatial data can be captured by users and it is straightforward to export data in a variety of file formats for collaboration with client systems, meaning data doesn’t sit in silos.

We expected to see improvements in efficiency as a result and those have certainly materialised along with much greater use by project stakeholders. This has enabled a much wider and closer awareness of the land elements of the project and consequently greater fluency of delivery which is realising benefits at all project stages.


Further information

Contact Eleanor Mair or Guy Russell

Savills Mapping and Referencing Tracker

Savills Rural


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