Albury Park Mansion, Albury Park, Guildford, Surrey

The Savills Blog

Your plans might be on hold but your dreams don’t have to be… 6 homes for a good cuppa

Today is National Tea Day. The event will take place virtually this year, offering a range of activities for participants in lockdown.

We have been drinking tea for 5,000 years. Its origins are not entirely clear though Chinese folklore tells how, in 2737 BC, a Chinese scholar named Shen Nung discovered the beverage when leaves from an overhanging tree fell into his cauldron.

It's said that men drank tea before the the Battle of Waterloo. In 1942 the British government bought all the tea on the European market to give to soldiers. So it's scarely surprising that in these times of uncertainty, many of us will be taking comfort in putting the kettle on for a brew. Where we drink our tea – and what we drink it out of – is a matter of personal taste, but these properties would certainly be worth getting the best china out for.


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