
The Savills Blog

10 ways to stay happy and healthy when working from home

Under current conditions, many businesses have chosen to move to remote work. While this may initially be challenging for some, a greater focus on telework has the potential to improve the function of organizations in ways that will last long into the future.

Telework is a skill that is mastered through practice; organizations or individuals who view it merely as a stopgap measure will not realize the benefits.

Much discussion of telework tends to focus on the employer side of the arrangement. However, individual employees both can and should take a proactive role in developing this capability to make it effective and enjoyable. We’ve compiled some suggestions to guide telework novices and veterans alike toward a successful and sustainable experience.

The full article is divided into ten sections:

1. Over-Communicate;
2. Define Boundaries;
3. Produce Results;
4. Take Breaks;
5. Stay Social;
6. Connect Creatively;
7. Stay Safe, Be Alert;
8. Make Space;
9. Build Trust; and
10. Get Outside.


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