I was browsing through the property section of the local paper when a beautiful church caught my eye. My partner, S, and I were looking to buy our first home together in the area and I fell in love with the extraordinary building straight away.
After I had viewed Church House, I phoned S, giddy with excitement. To my surprise, he immediately suggested making an offer. For reassurance, I made him come and look at it and my heart was in my mouth as I saw how daunted he was by the task we were about to take on. But he stuck to his word and we were soon the proud owners of a piece of local history.
While the church had already been converted, the renovation work we had to carry out was extensive. Thankfully, the roof and main building were sound and we set about redesigning the house to meet our needs: a process which required endless determination, help and creative thinking.
We planned to make the church tower wind and watertight by inserting windows, which would also prevent the large number of pigeons getting trapped inside. Little did we know that it would take us over five years to complete but we are now able to sit in the tower room, enjoying the evening sunsets and incredible panoramic views over the Fife countryside, feeling privileged that we are the first to enjoy them.
My favourite thing about this house has to be the cherished memories we have made here: some of the most heart-warming moments have been at Christmas when our 17ft Christmas tree is surrounded by family and friends.
But there’s another reason I had to have the church. It’s where my dad used to go to Sunday school and where four generations of my family were married. Our buying it meant my parents were able to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in the same church they were married in and it allowed S and I to have our own wedding ceremony there, too, in the grand drawing room among the original carved stone pillars. My stepson subsequently made it five generations of the same family to tie the knot in this incredible building.
Now, with our children grown up and living away from home, Church House really is too big for just the two of us. Our hearts say stay, but our heads say we have to be sensible and plan for the future. So we have made the difficult decision to sell. Perhaps there is another family with a wedding or two on the horizon?
AM, Scotland
Further information
What makes a house a home and why does it matter so much? Our new series, 'Moving Stories', inspired by Savills new advertising campaign, explores the complex relationship between home and home-owner with funny, sad and bittersweet reflections on moving out, moving in and moving on.
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