The Savills Blog

After more than 250 years, it's time to go

Off so soon?

We don’t move house very often in our family. 1760 was the last time we did it. And now, more than 250 years later, we’re about to do it again.

Our ancestors bought Spains Hall just as George III came to the throne and we’ve been lucky enough to watch it change and grow as a family home ever since (through 10 generations, I hasten to add!). Most recently it has been home to my parents and a gathering place for their ever-increasing brood of grandchildren. Before that, it was the cradle-to-grave house of a bachelor uncle who devoted his life to community service.

As Victoria gave way to George V, Spains Hall formed the centre of the local community through famine, hardship and war. The last 150 years have seen it transformed from housing three generations at once (plus the last of the servants) to providing a bombing target for the US Airforce during the Cold War to becoming a venue for civil marriages.

Throughout it all, the house has remained a place where our family lived and laughed and there is no shortage of sadness and regret that the time has come to move on. Though I will remain in the area to run the farm, my parents will be off to pastures new. For them, it’s a daunting prospect to be house-hunting in earnest for the first time in their retirement and, with the world at their feet, who knows where they might end up? Wherever it is, we know it will be the focal point for us all.

As for Spains Hall, our hope is that whoever takes it on next will, like us, make it their home for many years – perhaps many generations – to come. It will certainly take them time to get to know the house and its wonderful garden, as well as its surroundings. But there will be no hurry: the new occupants will be only the fourth owners since the Battle of Hastings.

A R-B, Essex


Further information

What makes a house a home and why does it matter so much? Our new series, 'Moving Stories', inspired by Savills new advertising campaign, explores the complex relationship between home and home-owner with funny, sad and bittersweet reflections on moving out, moving in and moving on.

We invite you to submit your own Moving Stories and we will donate £50 to Dreams Come True for every one we publish on Savills UK Blog. We'll also make a donation for every story submitted for consideration.


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