The Savills Blog

How does your garden grow?


From the inspiring natural flow of a 'Capability' Brown landscape to the simple serenity of a Zen rock garden, our surroundings have a powerful ability to set the mood. Given how important first impressions are when it comes to choosing where we live, it’s encouraging that we still seem to be a nation of garden-lovers.

The gardens or grounds in which a house is set have always been an important part of the overall package and it’s no coincidence that even in today’s generally less seasonal market, so many properties are launched in the spring. To get the most from this season of promise though, gardens need to be looking their best. They don’t need to be manicured in the extreme, but they should be well cared for, with lawns cut, borders edged and gravel raked.

Will this add value? Perhaps it’s best to say that unkempt or overgrown areas could impact adversely on price, especially if they give the impression that the land is hard to manage. This may be particularly off-putting for buyers moving from towns and cities to larger homes in the countryside.

As for garden must-haves, much depends on size but a good seating area is always desirable. Compartmentalising a garden into different ‘rooms’, with a focal point to catch the eye in each, can create a pleasing illusion of space and so works well whatever the plot size. In a tiny patch, carefully arranged pots bring a splash of colour and personality and are well worth the effort of watering. For me, a potager is a lovely thing and a prime example of the practical and picturesque. No humble veg patch this, but an ornamental kitchen garden where all manner of edible plants combine, often in spectacular, colourful symmetry.

A final point: if you are about to carry out major alterations to a property it is worth remembering that the garden is often as old as the house and that the hedges and trees could be much older – so do handle with care.

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