The Savills Blog

Love London: Tips for selling property in Notting Hill

Notting Hill selling tips

From first impressions to gardening, here are five top tips to selling your property in Notting Hill.

1. Notting Hill has one of the highest concentrations of garden squares in the capital and therefore, properties on squares are highly sought after. If you are lucky enough to own a property with access to a garden square, make sure this is communicated and for viewings perhaps leave a key out, so that prospective buyers can have a proper look.

2. If you have a balcony, roof terrace, or even a garden, maximise the space and treat it as another room, summer or winter. Clifton Garden Nurseries is a great little garden centre, just north of Paddington, where you can buy plants, furniture or get some help with garden design.

3. A select few properties in Notting Hill have a garage. If you’re one of the lucky few, clear the space and put a car in it. It can be difficult for potential buyers to visualise what size car will fit in an empty garage - and sometimes it can be surprising.

4. Notting Hill is a very popular with families, so it’s likely that your buyer will have, or be starting, a family. Not all properties may be suited to family living, so if you are aiming at this market make sure you have plenty of storage and not too many sharp edges.

5. First impressions are important. As well as making sure your property looks great, it needs to smell good too. Notting Hill residents love Diptyque and Space NK scented candles, so collect a few to make your property smell heavenly for the viewing.

Further information

Contact the Savills Notting Hill office for more details.



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