The Savills Blog

Property finance market races ahead

Property finance market races ahead

There’s no doubt that the property finance market is in good health. There are some 265 active lenders in the market today (covering both commercial and non-domestic residential in the UK), around half of whom have come onto the market in the last two and a half years.

However, while only a third of these new lenders are banks and insurance companies, it is interesting to note that it is still the banks and insurance companies who transact 88 per cent of total annual lending (see below). 

Annual lending

Increased competition between lenders and varying regulatory regimes continue to drive loan to values (LTVs) up and interest rate margins down, with prime investments and areas where there's competition between lenders seeing the greatest falls in margins. Increasingly, lenders are driven by IRRs and these are going down too. The result is an increased willingness to lend in the regions, to secondary properties and in alternative sectors.

We’ve also seen lenders increasingly using ‘loan sourcing agents’ such as  Laxfield Capital which now has mandates from five lenders. Hatfield Phillips and Situs offer similar services.

Because of the diversity of lenders and loan terms on offer, it is becoming difficult for borrowers to identify the best sources of finance. Consequently, borrowers are turning more and more to property finance advisors who can supply an appropriate line-up of lenders and competitive finance quotes. This is important given varying borrower objectives and business plans. A leading player in the field is Eastdil Secured, the real estate investment banking subsidiary of Wells Fargo, who act for a number of global investors.

Are we back to 2006/7?  I’m certain we’re not -  LTVs and margins are nothing like the levels they were then. And the fact that established lenders are continuing to capture such a substantial market share despite the competition is, I believe, most comforting.

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